The Breakfast propaganda | You’re doing it wrong

Tabish Mohammad
2 min readSep 1, 2020

Breakfast is NOT the most important meal of the day

First thought when waking up every single morning: “ugh… I have to force myself to eat now”.

People are ‘trained’ to be hungry.

Surprising fact: A reminder that John Harvey Kellogg’s was an extreme anti-sexuality doctor who tried to cure sexual desire and masturbation by feeding his patients crap foods i.e. the cornflakes you intake.

The commercial with the picture of orange juice and white bread toast and butter.. balanced part of this nutritious breakfast! It’s all propaganda.

Sadly, cereal got you through college life/work-life but years later you will know that it was nothing more than a lie told million times to you.

Breakfast cereal might be convenient and easy, but having them in the morning for a lifetime is not the best way.

Most people just eat to eat.

Back in the 1940s, breakfast cereals were shown as a source of every vitamin under the sun, making breakfast ultra-important, according to advertisements at the time.

It was a combination of fear of indigestion, desire for convenience at the cost of health disadvantages and billion-dollar advertising campaigns that helped push the idea of breakfast as the most important meal of the day.

If breakfasts have been working for you since years then it's not recommended to throw away all the breakfast meal stock in the trash right away but try to experiment for a week and get to know the signals your body gives you.

Remember changes are hard and body will repel them.

At the end it's your own choice to fill tummy bank in the morning or not, but remember to question the facts told to you by the society for ages, o your research from multiple sources, experiment and decide your fate then.

But always question the social norms. period.



Tabish Mohammad

I write about my lessons on life, business, marketing ,self-improvement and beyond